Contact us at: 910-276-3385
Contact us at: 910-276-3385
Citizen Connect
The Scotland County Sheriff's Office now offers Citizen Connect for our Citizens in Scotland County. This Application provides the following online services:
Daily Reports - Incident Reports - May not be available for up to 72 hours from the date a report was filed and can be pulled by Incident Number, Date Range, Name or Location.
Incident Map - Allows residents to view areas where crimes have been committed, a legend at the right tells you the type of crime and by clicking on the specific icon on the map a window will open providing information to include a link to the Incident Report. You can also zoom in and/or move the map up, down, right and left by using the mouse.
Criminal Papers - Can be searched by Name or Date Issued.
Anonymous Tip Line - Allows residents to report a tip without leaving their personal information.
Jail Booking - Allows residents to view arrests, charges, bond, and etc...
Crime Alerts - allows residents to sign up and receive Crime Alerts via email.